On average hiring managers and recruiters can receive 100s of CVs everyday for different positions. Because of this they may not necessarily have time to read each one with great detail and could briefly scan through the CV. If they spot a mistake on your CV, your CV will more than likely be ignored. It tends to take one mistake to stop your job search in its tracks. Even the most experienced still make the most simple mistakes on their CV.
Here are some of the common mistakes that people make on their CV.
Spelling and Grammar mistakes
This seems obvious but a lot of people make this mistake, remember first impressions is everything! When recruiters or companies read your CV and see these mistakes it could give the impression that you don’t care. Something so simple could jeopardise your application. Always try to get someone to proofread your CV before you start sending it out to companies.
Incorrect contact information
Again, seems obvious, sometimes you can forget to change this because you have had the same number or email for years. This could lead to another vital missed opportunity! Make sure to check that your contact information is still correct when you are tailoring or updating your CV.
Too long or too short
It is important to get the right balance here. A lot of people will try squeeze everything on to the one page because they are scared that any more would be too long. By trying to fit everything on to the one page it would make your CV look too busy or messy or it could mean that you have left out vital information that the recruiter or hiring manager would be looking for. However, your CV shouldn’t be a huge long essay, where there is so much writing you don’t know where to even start. On average CVs should be around 2 to 3 pages long depending on the persons experience.
Lying on your CV
This is a big no. If you lie and get caught lying, more than likely you will never be hired by that company again. You may think that a simple lie would be harmless but in the long run it could really effect you career wise. People can lie about their job title, their experience, their skills, their college course. The hiring manager is more than likely very experienced and will be able to spot that you are lying. Trust is essential for any professional relationship.
Not tailoring your CV for the role
When applying for a role try to add some of the responsibilities that is on the job spec that you have experience with on to your CV. More than likely a recruiter or a hiring manager will scan through your CV and would be looking for some of the key skills that they have on the job spec on your CV. This can be a great advantage for you as long as you don’t lie! Other companies could also be looking for these skills and is beneficial for you to have this on your CV. Also, a common mistake people make when doing this is adding in the wrong job title on the application or cover letter. This tends to happen when people are applying to multiple of different roles. Make sure you check this every time you apply to a role.
It is important that your CV is clear, concise and shows that you are the best person for the job!
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On average hiring managers and recruiters can receive 100s of CVs everyday for different positions. Because of this they may not necessarily have time to read each one with great detail and could briefly scan through the CV. If they spot a mistake on your CV, your CV will more than likely be ignored. It tends to take one mistake to stop your job search in its tracks. Even the most experienced still make the most simple mistakes on their CV.
Here are some of the common mistakes that people make on their CV.
Spelling and Grammar mistakes
This seems obvious but a lot of people make this mistake, remember first impressions is everything! When recruiters or companies read your CV and see these mistakes it could give the impression that you don’t care. Something so simple could jeopardise your application. Always try to get someone to proofread your CV before you start sending it out to companies.
Incorrect contact information
Again, seems obvious, sometimes you can forget to change this because you have had the same number or email for years. This could lead to another vital missed opportunity! Make sure to check that your contact information is still correct when you are tailoring or updating your CV.
Too long or too short
It is important to get the right balance here. A lot of people will try squeeze everything on to the one page because they are scared that any more would be too long. By trying to fit everything on to the one page it would make your CV look too busy or messy or it could mean that you have left out vital information that the recruiter or hiring manager would be looking for. However, your CV shouldn’t be a huge long essay, where there is so much writing you don’t know where to even start. On average CVs should be around 2 to 3 pages long depending on the persons experience.
Lying on your CV
This is a big no. If you lie and get caught lying, more than likely you will never be hired by that company again. You may think that a simple lie would be harmless but in the long run it could really effect you career wise. People can lie about their job title, their experience, their skills, their college course. The hiring manager is more than likely very experienced and will be able to spot that you are lying. Trust is essential for any professional relationship.
Not tailoring your CV for the role
When applying for a role try to add some of the responsibilities that is on the job spec that you have experience with on to your CV. More than likely a recruiter or a hiring manager will scan through your CV and would be looking for some of the key skills that they have on the job spec on your CV. This can be a great advantage for you as long as you don’t lie! Other companies could also be looking for these skills and is beneficial for you to have this on your CV. Also, a common mistake people make when doing this is adding in the wrong job title on the application or cover letter. This tends to happen when people are applying to multiple of different roles. Make sure you check this every time you apply to a role.
It is important that your CV is clear, concise and shows that you are the best person for the job!
Looking for a new opportunity or advice on your CV?